Career or calling?

Career or calling? Let's find out!

Job title Working area Entry level Location Country
Elektroniker (m/w/d) Anlagen und Instandhaltung
Operations, Technical Service Professionals Horn-Bad Meinberg Germany
Instandhalter (m/w/d) Anlagentechnik
Operations, Technical Service Professionals Hohenhameln OT Mehrum, Mehrum Germany
Mechaniker (m/w/d) Instandhaltung Biogasanlage
Operations, Technical Service Professionals Brandis Germany
Mechaniker (m/w/d) Instandhaltung
Operations, Technical Service Professionals Horn-Bad Meinberg Germany
Betriebshelfer (m/w/d) Biogas
Operations, Technical Service Professionals Horn-Bad Meinberg Germany
VORN Bioenergy Italia srl Executive Assistant (m/f/d)
Administration Professionals Bozen Italy
VORN Bioenergy Italia srl Project Manager Construction (m/w/d)
Engineering Professionals Bozen Italy
VORN IBERIA S.L. (Senior) Financial Controller (m/f/d) Cash-Flow Reporting Specialist
Finance & Controlling Professionals Córdoba, Madrid Spain
Werkstudent (m/w/d) - Engineering & Technology
Engineering & Design Students Regensburg Germany
Working Student (m/f/d) CAD - Engineering and Development
Engineering & Design Students Regensburg Germany
Working student (m/f/d) Finance
Finance & Controlling Students Regensburg Germany

No suitable job offer can be found? Then we look forward to your unsolicited application!

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